Friday, July 30, 2010

Save A Famly

I want to know what can be done to bring families back together? Does it start with the elders that started the divisions to come together, or should it be the children. I remember the movies that showed families coming together on Sundays to share dinner, love and family unity.

Many of the families today have only one parent, or both parents work , including on Sunday. I remember that on Sundays, all stores and businesses would be closed the entire day or at least by 5:00 p.m. So that, everyone could be home for dinner with their family. Is making money for the rich and greedy worth the value of your family's love and unity?

What will it take for the common man and woman to have what the rich, wealthy and prosperous have taken away from us? I can almost assure you that the majority are at home or with family on the weekends, as you and I sacrifice our families for their comfortable lifestyle. Sure we may have to work for a living , but look at what it is costing us. Is being home on Sunday or working a half day going to make things that much worst, if you are able to spend some quality time with your family one day of the week?

Hay you, the business owner, CEO, Chairman of the Board, is it going to make the business go under to close 3 to 5 hours earlier so that your employees can save their families? Is it going to change the community in which your employees live , if they are able to spend Sunday evening with their family? It could, but we will never know, will we?