Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Change Is Now, NOT!

Each year individually and as a planet , we attempt to change things for the better. However, I have noticed that the changes we want to see happen will never take place . Why? We attempt to use the same methods or variations of them to deal with the same problems that have continue to keep everyone asking the same questions day in and day out. when will things get better?

Is this insanity on a grand scale?

If change is to take place, it can only take place when you change the way you think and act. When you decide to think from a totally different view point , then you may see a different outlook on life. There are people that dream of a better world, but they are in the minority. The majority seems enjoy the world the way it is. They hate major or quick changes. Think about it.

If we as the highest form of life on the planet dreamed of a better world, would it be as it is ?
Would there still be wars, conflicts, murder, slavery, rape, thief, starvation, homelessness, and poverty?
It seems that the individuals that are elected to office don't have a great plan to make things better. The wealthy/elite which make up ruffly 1-2% of the population control over 90% of the wealth are not interested in changing. There is no longer a true "Middle " class, only the working poor( living paycheck to paycheck) and the poor ( no money and not enough food to last util the end of the week). We thik that tere is no class system in this country. WRONG!

Check ou the latest Census Data.

If you read history, that is what has caused every major depression in history. When the wealth is controlled by a elite group of individuals. There is no spreading of wealth nor power among the majority. The wealthy minority is in control. Think about it.

Every time President Obama has propose a change that would benefit the the majority, the wealthy elite start a campaign (Tea Party) to prevent a positive change . The President is only one man but he seems to be alone in the fight because it is all a set up from the start. He was set up to fail. We do not give him the support he needs or deserves. Why?

Because the changes that his administration are proposing goes against the what the wealth want. But that is not true. The wealthy can make money in any type of market or financial climate. Don't believe me? Check out the numbers of on wall street. The number of "American Corporations" that are opening / building buildings over seas. Check out the what the Banks and Insurance companies are doing. Are any of them going out of business? Are any of them investing in American Business that are building factories or business anyplace in your area? I have not read , heard or seen any new businesses starting construction projects. Have you? Think about it.

What does this say about America. government to you? If change is now, I only see and hear the same old B.S. but from a different direction and it still stinks! Think about it.