Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Time To Rise

It is time to do what other think you can't.
To go that extra step.
To climb that mountain, and give a hand to someone that is climbing right behind you, because reached back to give you one.
Time to rise.
We are all facing a new situation that we have never seen but we have. Our forefathers did many times.
Time to rise.
We can't let one man take us were do not desire to go. Don't allow him to take away what others have shed blood for in order please a select few. We shall rise above the hate and negative talk.
Let us rise above it. So our child can be proud to look at this country with pride and not with divisions caused by race, religion or politics. My forefathers came as slaves, but they raised themselves above the hate and segregation. We are all entitled to a better life and free to speak our minds. So, let rise based upon what we share in common, not what divides us.
Let us rise.....