Sunday, October 21, 2018

Sunday Afternoon

To take time to teach my granddaughter to ride her bike or take a walk around the block is the best thing in the world to me. To be her jungle-gym and hear her say "this is so much fun". It is what I live for. Any Sunday Fall afternoon  with family should be treasured. But of late we spend to much time away from the peaceful times and to much time on our phone or computer. Have you ever taken the time to look up at a beautiful tree or the sky. To see a sunrise or sunset with your family or love one? Take this Sunday away from the techno world and see the natural world that God made for us to see. Take a Sunday Afternoon walk  and see God's wonder.....

Monday, September 24, 2018

Can't Get Right

It seems that no matter what I pray for or about. It seems never to come out the way I desire or plan. I seem to be caught in this endless cycle of hardship and financial issues. Some of them are of my making, but I feel it is something I am missing. I don't know wish way to turn but to God. I can not rely on anyone anymore. They all have their own issues or preconsived jugements that I just can not deal with. I know that God's word has the answer I seek. So, the only advice I am taking from now on is his.