Sunday, May 26, 2019

Is Death the Beginning of Life

In the short time I have lived, I have lost my wife, two sons, a brother, Parents, Uncles, Aunts and a grandfather[only knew one]. I know that there are people that have lost everyone and more. We all will continue to live and die because we are finite. Our spirit may be able to live forever, but this flesh only is designed to last so long. Some people may live a a few heartbeats and take a few breaths. Others will live beyond 100 years. It is all by the grace of God.
   Each one lives as long as they are suppose to, no longer. So why do we fear death? Is it  because we are unable to control the time and place? Is it because what we have read and written over the past few thousand years is suppose to tell us all we need to know about what comes after life. I believe that there is more.
   We are limited because so many of us only know one or two langauges, but much of what has been written or passed down is in a language none of know or have seen. We rely on others to translate and/or interpet what they think they are reading. Some who do this are truthful, but there are those that are not doing this for all of mankind. They desire to control and/or corrupt what little wisdom and knowledge we have been able to save and store.
We only live so long but beyond this place of war, hate and distraction are places that are written about that go beyond this limited plain of experience. So why fear death? This is a short waystation compared to the size of the Universe. Do you think that the creator would only create life on one small planet?
    If you believe God is Omni-all, why do we always put religious limits on something that is beyond our control. If you think about it, is anyone's beliefs above anyone else's.
  For God created all and therefore all is GOD'S! Is hate and evil present only because  man put it into our religious scriptures? No one thought to keep it out because we needed to see both sides of ourselves. God had to show all in order for humankind to mature. We are children. But the Universe is trillions of year old. So who should we trust?
   Which has helped us to act better toward one another? Love or fear? Fear has dominated our humanity. When will we allow love [grace, mercy and forgiveness; etc] to be the foundation of our society?
I have lost more than some, but some have lost more and they refuse to hate and use fear to dominate their lives. Why should you or I? We all have freewill, it is up to each one of us to choose fear or love to be the foundation of our lives.
    I know that I have a long way to go, but I am attempting, with God's help and time to be better. Some of humanity is just getting the idea that God is Omni-all LOVE! Think about it..