Friday, December 1, 2017

Life is Always HARD

               This is going to be very short . In all my short life, things have never been harder. The death of my eldest son two years ago this week is like it happened yesterday. My youngest son died over 25 years ago and it still brings a certain degree of hurt,. With time all lose becomes less painful but never totally fades away, That is why life is hard,
               Then my daughter is 4 mouths  pregnant and she is making life hard for herself. We have attempted to talk to her and support her. However, the words we say seem to have no positive effect. So, felt don't say nothing. Let her learn the HARD way.
             Then my wife is having to deal with me and the mood that I am in due to the all the above. Life is hard on her because she is on dialysis. We have been dealing with hardship for far to long. At this point I do not have the answers for anyone and I can't get one form myself. That is why I say life is hard.

             But GOD!!!.

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