Friday, March 20, 2020

What To Do

So much is going on right know with everything at a standstill because of this coronavirus so prevalent in our  lives. One thing I know, I refuse to let it take control of how I act and what think. So, what is the best thing for us to do right now. 
   I've been thinking that besides praying and meditating, there should be something that each of us can do. But so far all I can come up with is spending time talking to my family to keep their spirits up. Doing things around the house. Catching up on some reading and even taking a couple of online courses that I found that are free. I also am taking time to help my grandkids with their work for school since they are not in school right now.
         It seems that the government is doing all that they can under the circumstances. It seems the White House is starting to get their act together and give us a little bit of information that is trustworthy. One thing that I have truly dislike, are people taking advantage of  this situations to be hostile by using cons and being manipulative to take advantage of all of us for the sake of money. (There are some evil individuals that always want to take advantage of the hardship of others.)
         So, I'm hoping that we can overcome these individuals and be vigilant in regards to not allowing them to take advantage of us during these challenging times. So, let's just think right, act right, do right for our families and our communities.
Don't let this pandemic cause you to panic. Don't let fear rule your life or cloud your thinking. Share what you can and help those that "truly" need it.    We are going to be okay along as we use the wisdom that God gives us and we think before we act or speak. Also,  Pray as a family. We will get  through this, what choice do we have?
Peace, Strength and blessings be upon us all.

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