Sunday, May 2, 2010

What Is Going On?

There are a lot of things going on in the world today that I could talk about, but I only see that we are not doing what we can to stop that increase in violence among the young people of this country. Everyone is concentrating on the economy, but no one is looking at the growing number of crimes among the our children and young adults. They are killing each other with no regards for life

A Big Mistake

This is a little different for me to discuss a personal problem in public. I have a situation that I am attempting to solve, but I have been unable to find a solution that will bring about a satisfactory answer. Every thing that I have said or done to this point has made my family angry, upset, and hostile. It seems that what I know to be right for me, and at one time the correct action for my family, has caused me to second guess myself. It has worried me to the point that I notice that I can't talk to my wife or members of my family without raising my voice.

It has come to the point where meditation doesn't seem to be the answer. I thought /felt that my faith in God/Spirit/ Universe to deal with any situation or being able to overcome ant situation, but when someone you love tells you that they are going to die. What do you do? What can you say? How are you suppose to react/act ? They at first was not going to tell me because they felt it would not make any difference. They will never have what they truly want...a house.That they can call their own . It makes me feel that I have failed them.

We live in a apartment building that I inherited from my parents. I own it along with my two older Sisters. One Lives upstairs and has done everything in her power to make my wife and I feel unwelcome. It has gotten so bad that my wife prefers to stay in our bed room 24/7. We have the property up for sale, but the market is not that great. People are losing their homes right and left. It should not take that long to find a home, it just hard to sell this one.

I just should have stayed where I was and waited. This place needed a lot of work. I did paint and clean up the bedrooms , living room and dinning room, but I have not been able to push my self in the past three years we have been here to remodel the kitchen and bathroom. Why? It is because wife is always telling me that she doesn't want to stay.

Sometimes I wonder, is all this my fault, that we have never lived any place nice sense she has been ill. Why did I stop working full time? I did so at the time my wife's kidneys started to fail and she feared being alone. It has been TUFT! Plus the fact that my only daughter has Sickle Cell Disease and she is in and out of the E.R. and /or hospital every few months. In fact she has been going through a hard time of late, to the point she had to leave school.

Then I have to deal with the fact that one sister hates my wife and my wife cares less for my sister. I do understand the reason for all of this is me. I mean the old me. In the pass, I have lied and cheated people, including my family, in an effort to make things easy on me. At that time I thought it was right, I was wrong. It caused a big problem that only in the last five years have they started talking to me again.

But nothing will make her happy until she has her own home, but she wants me to buy it on a part-time income. Crazy! It has gotten so bad that I have migraines most of the day, thinking about what a mistake it was and hearing every word my wife has said the past three years. She will not talk about nothing else! Everyday it has been about what my sister is doing, going to say, going to do this or that.

My wife is so concerned about my sister that she, spends all day thinking of new ideas of what my sister is doing. That we have to talk in whispers, if someone comes by the front door she stops talking, because they will overhear what we say. CRAZY! I can't raise my voice because I talk to loud. It is all about the same thing! I can not have a conversation with my wife about any subject unless we talk about what will my sister thing or say. It is hard for me to be in the same room unless both of us our sleep, or at least my wife is. It is CRRAAAZZZYYYY!!!!!

So what should I do? I have only one solution........ move into my own house. but until we do, I have to deal with situation daily and all I can say to myself is that " This was A BIG MISTAKE!!!!!!!!!!!"

Who Is Fooling Who?

This summer has taken a number of young lives, especially Latin and Black males between the ages of 12 to 25 and the year is just half over. Many people want to point the finger at the police, the government, society as a whole. However, before you or I point our judgmental finger at someone else, remember there are three pointing back at yourself and me.

  • We have allowed society to take the place of the Parent, via the schools, TV, music, and movies to the point that some are raising themselves as they run the streets until all hours of the night. It seems that the younger the parent, the more likely their children will be in the street, because they are so young themselves that they don't understand what it is to be a responsible parent. That grandparents are raising two generations of children because parents are in jail, rehab, in the streets or dead! I know that this not the case with all young parents. They need to be praised and honored for the good job they are doing. Although, there are many children between 7 or 8 to 17 in the street most of the times after 11p.m. every night and no parent to be found.
  • We have allowed our children to become uncontrollable, disrespectful, unlawful, rude and mean! We are fearful of not what they will do to someone else, but to us. We have allowed ourselves to become fearful of our own children because it is so easy for them to get a gun in the street. That we have lose control of our homes, neighborhoods, communities, cities and country to the point that we turn our heads and cover our eyes and ears.
  • The teen-age people know this and take advantage of it on every level, especially in school and on the street corner. Something else to think about, many kids that have a gun are not even gang banging. They feel that the police is not there to protect them, but only there to keep things from getting into the better areas of the city. Survival is their main objective, that they have no other way to deal with things but to carry a gun. Then you do have those that have an ego problem and feel that thy must be respected by killing the one that they were dissed by, But they end up killing someones grandparent, Innocent child or getting killed themselves. The mind set of many Black and Latino males is becoming like the Old West, "kill or be killed".
  • Then the Supreme Court made the "bone head" decision, which allows everyone over 21 to own a gun. this is not going to effect the streets on any level. Why? BECAUSE ALL THE GUNS THAT ARE ON THE STREETS, IN TEENAGERS HANDS ARE ALL ILLEGAL!! It will make it easier for regular people to get killed with their own gun. The NRA and all the white supremest groups are jumping for joy. But remember there are more minority groups than white people. And even a majority of whites are realizing that we can live together with out hate due to skin color, religion or nationality.

The business world has put so much pressure on the common man and woman to work 40, 50, 60, sometime 70 hours per week, so that the business owners and stockholders will be wealthier. Which is making the gap between the "Haves"and the Have Not" that much greater. This why that our young black man have it so bad. Single parent homes, where the parent has to work long hours or more than one job is contributing are the problem that the Black community has continue to face since the late 60's .

When we as parents can not be at home to raise our own children, they are left to be raised by the TV, and/or the streets. There is a need to change our way of tinkling as it pertains not only to our families and communities but also in the way we have to make a living. God created us to be creative, we have become lazy and dependent on a few power hungry people to make the hard choices for us. That is why things are the way they are. God blessed you with a brain , us it. Be creative as he was with you.

I don't know what the solution is, but didn't God make us the steward's over this world? Didn't God give us a mission that holds us accountable to him ? What are we to do about it ? You know that He is watching to see what solution we come up with? He isn't going anywhere and neither are we. We are stuck on this Planet that he created, but this is our mess that we have to clean up before he give us something better!

Saturday, May 1, 2010

To Heavy For You?

I have been paying close attention to the "heavy" negative comments coming from various Republican Party members and a large number of people that are coming out against President Obama. We all should take note that the media and these " various organizations" are out to harm him and his plans. I have noticed on several occasions, they do not refer to him as "President Obama", just by his last name "Obama".

However, it has started to get far worst. I have noticed that many Black Politicians( Black Caucus) are hanging back in the wings, waiting for President Obama to do what he said during his campaign. They seem not to be helping him as I would think.

They could be hurting him by not being as vocal as they were during his election. if fact they seem to be very quiet.

Why aren't they standing behind him as they did at the start? It has gotten hard, but where are his supporters? What advice would you give President Obama and his Adviser(s) (that got him into this mess to start with)? What can we do to show that we still support him? Are we going to stand back in the corner as the Republican Party get a stronger hold in the House and the Senate?

If they get two or three states to elect conservative (Republican) officials and Governors, it will be back to the rich getting richer, no middle class, just us poor flock. Then America will truly be in a fall.

The Republican Party is using Palin (con-artist) and people like her to convince many people that they have a better way to run the country. Didn't the Republicans get us into this mess in the first place? Do we want them back in control of the White House?

Please pay attention, you better watch this "Tea Party" thing. Don't you remember the last tea party that happened in Boston, over 200 years ago, to help form this nation? You better take a look at the constitution and what it says about revolution.

There is a lot going on and many of us are going to get lost in the mess that is going on in Washington.We all should start paying better attention to the people that talk about money, stocks, bonds, war, and who is saying what.

We have to be able to hear the answers and still read between the lines.When you have the opportunity, look at the news from your local PBS station or start looking at what the foreign news service is saying about this country. You need to start learning to ask the hard questions and stop taking the double -talk answers that you are receiving. Listen and watch what is being said and by whom.

However, "We the People" are still losing our homes, jobs, and money , but every banker , top executive and government official is sleeping comfortable. As we wonder where we may wake up, if we will end up on the floor, sleeping in a shelter or waking up on the street. Is that to heavy for you?