Saturday, May 1, 2010

To Heavy For You?

I have been paying close attention to the "heavy" negative comments coming from various Republican Party members and a large number of people that are coming out against President Obama. We all should take note that the media and these " various organizations" are out to harm him and his plans. I have noticed on several occasions, they do not refer to him as "President Obama", just by his last name "Obama".

However, it has started to get far worst. I have noticed that many Black Politicians( Black Caucus) are hanging back in the wings, waiting for President Obama to do what he said during his campaign. They seem not to be helping him as I would think.

They could be hurting him by not being as vocal as they were during his election. if fact they seem to be very quiet.

Why aren't they standing behind him as they did at the start? It has gotten hard, but where are his supporters? What advice would you give President Obama and his Adviser(s) (that got him into this mess to start with)? What can we do to show that we still support him? Are we going to stand back in the corner as the Republican Party get a stronger hold in the House and the Senate?

If they get two or three states to elect conservative (Republican) officials and Governors, it will be back to the rich getting richer, no middle class, just us poor flock. Then America will truly be in a fall.

The Republican Party is using Palin (con-artist) and people like her to convince many people that they have a better way to run the country. Didn't the Republicans get us into this mess in the first place? Do we want them back in control of the White House?

Please pay attention, you better watch this "Tea Party" thing. Don't you remember the last tea party that happened in Boston, over 200 years ago, to help form this nation? You better take a look at the constitution and what it says about revolution.

There is a lot going on and many of us are going to get lost in the mess that is going on in Washington.We all should start paying better attention to the people that talk about money, stocks, bonds, war, and who is saying what.

We have to be able to hear the answers and still read between the lines.When you have the opportunity, look at the news from your local PBS station or start looking at what the foreign news service is saying about this country. You need to start learning to ask the hard questions and stop taking the double -talk answers that you are receiving. Listen and watch what is being said and by whom.

However, "We the People" are still losing our homes, jobs, and money , but every banker , top executive and government official is sleeping comfortable. As we wonder where we may wake up, if we will end up on the floor, sleeping in a shelter or waking up on the street. Is that to heavy for you?

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