Monday, December 28, 2020

Sunday, August 16, 2020


Change only happens from.within oneself. No one can change another human being. They may influence a positive or negative change. However, true change only occured from within the individual.

Friday, March 20, 2020

What To Do

So much is going on right know with everything at a standstill because of this coronavirus so prevalent in our  lives. One thing I know, I refuse to let it take control of how I act and what think. So, what is the best thing for us to do right now. 
   I've been thinking that besides praying and meditating, there should be something that each of us can do. But so far all I can come up with is spending time talking to my family to keep their spirits up. Doing things around the house. Catching up on some reading and even taking a couple of online courses that I found that are free. I also am taking time to help my grandkids with their work for school since they are not in school right now.
         It seems that the government is doing all that they can under the circumstances. It seems the White House is starting to get their act together and give us a little bit of information that is trustworthy. One thing that I have truly dislike, are people taking advantage of  this situations to be hostile by using cons and being manipulative to take advantage of all of us for the sake of money. (There are some evil individuals that always want to take advantage of the hardship of others.)
         So, I'm hoping that we can overcome these individuals and be vigilant in regards to not allowing them to take advantage of us during these challenging times. So, let's just think right, act right, do right for our families and our communities.
Don't let this pandemic cause you to panic. Don't let fear rule your life or cloud your thinking. Share what you can and help those that "truly" need it.    We are going to be okay along as we use the wisdom that God gives us and we think before we act or speak. Also,  Pray as a family. We will get  through this, what choice do we have?
Peace, Strength and blessings be upon us all.

Sunday, February 2, 2020

Be Thankful

Being grateful is the most important thing in life. My father showed me that by showing it to whomever did the smallest or the greatest thing for him. The nurse that took his blood pressure. When someone fixed him something to eat or took him to the store. He always said thank you. He always showed how greatful he was to God for giving him a long life. He told me this by saying "I am thankful for being able to live 4 score and a day.. For each day is a gift from God”. 
Be grateful.....

Truth Statement

What does it matter what other nthink or say to me, it is what I know about myself. My faults and my strengths, knowing which rule my life and being able to overcome my shortcomings.

Friday, December 20, 2019

What is

        What is so hard about this time of the year? So many people have lost loveones during this time. I know how many  may feel, for this time is hard for me also. December of 2018, my wife passed. In December of 2015, my eldest son passed. He died on the same date as my father. Also, my only brother died also during this time of the year. So I know.
       When it is the holiday season, the pain is deep. That is why I say it is time to show love and let forgiveness into your life. The hurt may never go totally away, but it will lessen over time.
        So, what is so hard about being able to forgive and show love at this time of the year? 
    We all have lost someone during this time of year. That is why I understand that it is hard for some to think about grace, forgiveness and love during this time of year. But some how family is the focus of this season. I have had troubles and disappointments but love is all I have to get me though this time. In fact, everyday of the year.
What is going to stop you from being with your family or loveones? Please do not let it be something that you know love can conquer. This is the season of love for family.
 What is it like if you have no family or friends, because you or they can't forgive? I know that there are many that are alone and it is painful. So, if you are distant from your family, try to show your love and consider what forgiveness  can bring into your lives. 
Tomorrow is not promised. The next breath or heart beat is not promised.
I was blessed to be forgiven by my father, in fact in I shared his last dinner at the nursing home the night before his transition. I was with my wife as she took her last breath. I was able to kiss my brother the night he passed. Which was something that I never would have done if we didn't love each other.
     What is most important to you? Pride? Ego? Remember, each day, you have  less days ahead of you, as you grow older. Don't waste them on hate or spite. Love is the season. The best gift we can give each other is love and forgiveness.
Jesus says that we should be able to forgive seven time seventy. How many times have someone forgiven you in your life time?
      What is most important to you? The love that you should have for each other or your ego. 
      What is it to be humble? It is to be truly human. Forgiveness brings healing  to you, and those you claim to love. Prove to yourself you can overcome and forgive with love. 
Peace, Love, and Grace to you all.

Thursday, September 12, 2019

Keep Moving Forward

Dealing with Life's Issues

    It is hard dealing with all the feelings, emotions and  thoughts that come with grief. It has been nine months since my wife made her transition. I have had some ruff times over the past few months. But more than anything is seeing the effect it has had on my daughter, mother-in-law and grandkids.
    I have been doing my best to be there for all of them. But there are times when I have been in my own world so to speak. I have become depressed and short tempered at times. That is why I know that this going to take along time to learn to live with.
   When my Sons passed in 1996 and 2015, I still feel the lost of them to this day.  I lost a part of me with each. However, with Melba it feels like a very large part of me has been pulled out of me. It is like a part of my soul has been ripped from me. I now understand how my Dad and eldest sister feel.
    We all must deal with issues of life and this is a major part. We all must end this way. Some are better prepared than others (so they think they are). You never truly know until it happens. I know, because I felt God had told me it was coming and I had time to prepare for it. Not so, you never are prepared. It will come only when God says so. Sometimes sooner than later, but very few of us can know when it will take place. I wasn't ready. I felt we had more time to together.
   Melba was in pain due to the lost of our sons and being tried of diaylsis. Plus the past few days she was in physical pain. It was hard for me to see the love of my life like that and not be able to do anything. BUT GOD!
     God knows more than I or anyone, what needed to be done. Her heart was broken and weak to keep her going any longer.
     My daughter is having a very difficult time accepting her Mom's transition. She has to forgive herself and remember the better times in their relationship.
  Melba and I knew that she was going have to deal with this on her own. I did my best to warn her that this will happen. That she will have to learn to live without us at some point. That she needs to learn to be an adult and mother. Do not wait or keep putting off, thinking that Melba and I will  always be here for you to lean on. That it is time for you to get up and do your own living.
   I know that I have to keep moving forward and so does she. My grandkids have to learn the same. We all do, keep moving, step by step.
   What time God grants me, it is to be used wisely. I didn't always do that. Sometime we think that we have plenty of time. My youngest son passed when he was only 4 years old. My eldest son was 33 years old. My lovely wife had just turned 61 a few months before she passed in December 2018.
    We just don't know. But we must live on, must keep going. I know there are people that have lost more than I have. Suffered more than I have. But we all will have to accept death as we go on living. Some of us may deal with it better than others. But keep God in your life. Some may want to or  not care to. Some may not believe or it may help you have a stronger spiritual relationship with God. It is an individual's choice. Just don't attempt to go it alone.
  I l know, tried it and it was the wrong thing to do. I got worse and made life harder for my loveones and myself. We are not meant to go it alone.  It is the wrong thing to do. Let go and let God help you walk this path. Get help. Get out the bed, the house. Take a walk. Look out and look UP!